Web design
HTML5, CSS3, ES6, ReactJS, WordPress, NodeJS, ThreeJS
HTML5, CSS3, ES6, ReactJS, WordPress, NodeJS, ThreeJS
Autocad, 3dsMax, Revit, Blender, QGIS
Unity3D, Photoshop, Ilustrator, After Effects
C++, objective-C, C#, NodeJS, Python, MongoDB
Design of prototypes and infographics, development of Web, Mobile and Desktop computer applications, writing of reports, calculation of structures and facilities, designer.
Augmented reality of Roman statue of Hermes Hermes, messenger of the gods and god of commerce. He is also the god of oratory and gymnastics, and the conductor of souls to the underworld. Made of bronze, found in the village of Xilxes at the site of the Alter.
Virtual tour to the Tower of Carabona, 12th century Fortified farmhouse used by the local lord during his stays. The enclave of Carabona is known since the 12th century, having its origin in a Muslim farmhouse.
Virtual Restoration of the Traditio Legis bowl Historical carved glass vessel with Christian scenes. 20 cm in diameter and 8 cm high, found in the excavations of La Almoina.
Parametric design and digital prototyping
Teaching of mobile application and videogames development.
Workshops focused on augmented reality and virtual reality software